Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween fun/ptc

So tommarow is halloween my favorite holida of the month and im so happy! Im goin to the hanted trail with my mom but before that i gotta have her come to the parent teacher conference. I gotta get her to talk to my teachers for AP class about how things goin, to hopefully get me out the class. Aside from that its boredom.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October activities

So ive been doing good so far in school, i stopped freakin over my classes. I even went to the school counselor and took a PSAT/ACT. I am also almost done with my drivers ed class. Now that everything is up-to-date. It is October and in my house it is Birthday Month. there is a total of 4 birthdays in my household, and the 4th(mine) will be coming up on Friday. I will be 17 and one step closer to being an adult and struggling to live on my own. Not only that but there has been 4 other friends bdays this month, 1 i bought more cake for and the other 2 will be the day before mine and the last one on my bday. There is nothing but cakes in my fridge but i hope to got to the zombie walk goin on my day but itll be late and my mom might not let me go. Also i hope to got to the haunted trail if i cant go to the zombie walk. Things goin well and i cant wait till i get my update on my phone. Hopefully i write again on the 26th, if not then in November.