Friday, June 22, 2012


Finally able to get back on, while my uncle was here id get bits of internet and none if he used his phone. But now he has gone,internet is back, and so is boredom when my mom tells me to get sunlight. But imma enjoy the time i have and try to make this summer fun. sorry too lazy to write anything else alot of youtube and tumblr to catch up on

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today i went to the movies with my bf, he was the usual perv e always is. Yet since the Dictator wasn't there, we watched the avengers.The movie was good, but when things weren't "actiony" he started begging for a kiss and shiz. I would've kissed him..i wanted to,but i felt that if i did id be doing something wrong and i haven't kissed anyone in a while so...yeh. When we came close, i started seeing pages of shoujo manga that i read like, "kyou, koi wo hajimemasu", the scenes from the beginning when the couple meet and stard dating. I was embarrassed(i felt like tsubaki-chan)especially when he kept sayin i sound or i look cute and stuff. But after awhile my face was hot and blushy so i did what i do in panic, burp. He moved out my face and we sat and watched the movie like critics.. and after we waited for my uncle to pick me up. I wasn't sure if i saw his truck or not, so i didn't say anything about hiding or playin it off..and my uncle asked about if it was a date and i made my caught lying face. He said it was ok, that im gettin that age and asked what he was like. Then he said he wouldn't tell my mom, thank goodness, cause she would freak if she knew. So all in all, this day was the most heart-throbbing and funny date(only date) ive ever had...and im happy i went, i hope we can go on another. ^/_\^

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hangin with Family

My uncle ,aunt ,and little cousin are here for 2 weeks and because my uncle has such an internet hogging phone the internet is down sometimes. So i wont be writing or anything alot, but because he has been here i went back to school to get my trumpet and my band teacher was dicussing how he would try to help me with taking my geometry final before its too late or get her to give me a 80 or somethin, so i might have a chance of getting out of the class and not taking it again. Still my mom knows nothing, for if she did she would "shit a brick" as she nearly did when i told he how i missed it the first time...aside from that we gamin on the xbox 360 alot, sis played halo for awhile and i accidently clicked the eject button when she was saving and she is pissed at me, she got past lvl 1 i think but she is sorta pissed. My cousin sang a song to here and she calmed down, it was cute.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hate myself

I miss out on alot in life, because of my lack of straight-forwardness if you understand what i mean...i dont have the courage or independence to do things that need to be done or do it alone. I also forget things way too much nowadays, i dont know whats wrong with me..wether it be the heat or my mind is wandering too much. Somethings gotta change, and its gonna change this summer. I know my momma gonna curse me out cause i didnt get my gometry final done, even if i explain how its the administrators who didnt let me leave out of the auditorium to get my teacher, or that they said it was too late and the grades were in. I might loose alot of electronics and books, i might not even be able to have the summer i want.I feel sick thinking about how my mom will react when my grandma tells her, cause thats the person whos gonna say it the most....Im screwed! Even tho i explained how i can take it again she doesnt care, she says itll look bad on my transcript and i wont get into a good college or something..she makes it hard to be a high schooler let alone all the pressure to achieve like all the smart ppl i hang with. She gets upset about how i dont apply myself when she knows i can do it, if i dont do it it doesnt interest or motivate me, but she doesnt seem to understand or care unless i work hard..i know she wants best for me but im tired of it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Ive been confused on how things would work all week; i had graduation rehearsal on weds. along with geometry finals, then i asked the teacher and she said tomorrow i can do it but i got to play at graduation as my band final so imma have to repeat geomatry. The timing sucks and i gotta repeat a class i hate/don't understand. I am now definitely not continuing band. I feel pissed and funstrated, now i gotta tell my mom about it,shell either get mad at me or the school...but i dont want to tell her she might make me work all summer so i guess i wont. *sigh* i feel tired from all this stressing and stuff, i didnt even eat today...imma go eat now.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

*Blushy face*/Band

OMG!! I sent a message to my bf and asked if we were still dating cause i wasnt sure. and he said yeh that we should have a date soon, he schedules stuff so i want to make sure he can go at a time convenient to him. But after that he said we should kiss and I sorta had a "dokidoki" moment lol.
Anyway today i had to wake up and go to school at 6:30 and play at the Crown Colosseum for Senior graduation practice. Yet it was cold like a fridge in there, and after we got to go get food and the McDonald coffee i got messed up my stomach..i think the milk was what messed with me. And i gotta take my geometry final tomorrow cause when we got back the class was almost finished. Finally, I kno imma fail it cause i suck at remembering formulas and i already just barely pass cause of projects. So yeh, ill say "Hello Geometry" next yr.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Crazy days coming up

I have calmed down abit from this weekend, my cold hasnt gotten better but im not feelin as crappy. Ive been doin nothin but video gamin and sleeping, so thats made me alittle more mellowed. But today my mom made me drink some nasty coconut oil sayin "its like tequilla and it has no flavor", i ran to the bathroom and she started yellin' "no! come back! you gotta drink water!" so i just ran in and drank the sink water out of fear of throwing up, But i sorta wish i did cause i can still taste it even when i brushed my teeth. But i got finals soon so i might not even write..but the only one i gotta worry about is my geomatry, since im just barely passing the class. Lastly, I hate when ppl tell me what i said about what and when...i think imma get crazy friends bf is a pain in the ass and loves to acccuse me of stuff nowadays. *sigh* that all i gotta say. Wish me luck on my exams tho.