Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Ive been enjoying watching the olympics this year they have brought out a side of me that hasnt been out since childhood..a very patriotic side. aside from how things were going in swimming last night the mens gymnastics were surprising too..japan knocked great britan to bronze and another country i think it was finland or somewhere like that..it escaped me but i was dreming in hetalia when i saw it. China got gold, and they were really good..um in swimming USA couldve got gold but i believe it was micheal phelps that handded it to france. when that happned my grandma said he let it happen cause he was quote "poke poke poking him" me and my mom just looked at eachother and began laughing like crazy. Aside from that my computer messed up after installing my Norton protection stuff and my grandma reset it to factory condition to bring it back...i cryed at how all my documents, presentations, manga, anime, pictures and sites were all gone. I hate that it happened not once but twice..first when i first got this laptop then yesturday..i feel like it doesnt like me for all the crazy anime and stuff i put on it..But itll have to deal cause i need to get all the music i lost back onto another real player....now that i think about it alot of the videos i put on my realplayeer were from youtube and alot of them are now deleted due to some copyright and users deleting accounts...*tears up* i think imma sit in a corner for a while and cry about this.

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